I've put up a bug reporter for the game at https://github.com/Meorge/POVYouForgotYourDuolingoLessonBugTracker Please note that bugs might not be fixed soon, if...
It was a very tumultuous journey, but at long last, v1.0 of the game is complete and uploaded for all to enjoy! I discussed more of why the game took so long to...
Hi all, I know it's been over a week now since I posted that the game was super close to being done, and would likely be out during the week of the 10th, and th...
The (first version of the) game is just about done now. I'm at the stage of doing some preliminary build testing before releasing a first version! There are som...
More languages are now running in the game, thanks to the wonderful contributors! If there weren't sufficient death words submitted for a language, it'll instea...
The basement is now (sparsely) decorated and the NavMesh is baked so that our feathery friend can find his way through the house! Tomorrow I'm hoping to get sig...